Summertime is a time when many families take vacations, but don't forget the four legged family members when you leave home. If you are taking a road trip you can put your dog in a carrying crate that fits in the car. Many hotels allow pets so call around or look online for pay friendly places to stay. Make sure you allow your dog to go outside to relieve herself periodically. The best thing for your dog is to bring her with the family on vacation. Dogs don't like to e separated from their families so they will be happiest if the can come along. Sometimes, however, it can be hard to fly or go to other counties with a pet or you may not be able to bring your dog with you to where you plan on staying. In this case make sure your dog is taken care of before you leave. Make sure there is enough water and food for the entire length of the trip. If possible have a friend or family member come by frequently to check on your dog and refill his water and food bowls. Another option is to bring your dog to a doggy hotel, or kennel. They will give your dog food and water on a regular basis and even take him out for exercise. But remember that your dog will be stuck in a crate almost all day with other dogs around barking constantly. Your dog will be safe sound but might get bored and anxious.

Whatever you do, don't other your dog while you are in vacation. Make sure that she will have plenty of water and food and be able to relieve herself. And if possible exercise too. I you wouldn't leave a child at home with no food or water and no supervision, so don't do it with your dog either.

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